Juniors: College Items to Take Care of During Winter Break

Winter break is a good time to unwind and take some time off. It is also an ideal time to for juniors to get their college process organized for the rest of the year. Here are some things juniors can do over break.

  • Make sure your SAT/ACT testing strategy for the spring is in place. Sign up for test dates and make a plan to prepare for the tests.

  • Take some time to create the list of colleges that you plan to research.

  • Plan in person tours for the winter and spring. Spring break is a popular time to visit colleges, so book tours early!

  • Review extracurricular activities. Consider whether there are too many or too few and make adjustments.

  • Start making plans for the summer.

  • Start thinking about teachers who can write your recommendations letters. Plan to cultivate relationships with them during the rest of the year.

  • If your high school college counselor asks for a survey or other information, try to get that completed over break.

    If you have questions or would like to learn more about college admissions, please visit Excelsioradmissions.com or click here to schedule a free 30-minute consultation to learn how I can help with your college admissions process.


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