Community Service Ideas for February
Is your high schooler looking for ways to get involved in the community this winter? Here are some suggestions for activities they can do now.
Things to Consider When Choosing High School Courses
It is the time of year when high schoolers choose their courses for the upcoming academic year. Here are some tips for making the right decisions when it comes to choosing courses.
College Checklist for Junior and Senior Year
Click here for a checklist to follow during junior and senior year.
College Admissions Trends in 2025
Here is a summary of early decision trends for the class of 2029.
Juniors: It’s Time to Focus on College
Here are some things for Juniors to do to get organized and focus on college.
What Seniors Should Do After Submitting Applications
Here is what seniors should do after submitting college applications.
Juniors: College Items to Take Care of During Winter Break
College items for juniors to take care of during winter break.
Admitted, Deferred, or Denied-How to Manage College Decisions
How to manage college decisions whether you are admitted, deferred, or denied.
Class of 2029 Early Decision and Early Action Notification Dates
Take a look at the provided table for estimated notification dates to help you plan for the next steps.
Holiday Volunteer Opportunities for High Schoolers
The holidays are a perfect time for students to volunteer for (or lead) service opportunities. Here are some ways students can get involved with their communities.
What College Admissions Officers Are Looking for When Reviewing Grades
Whether a junior is starting to research colleges or a senior is working on applications, it is important to understand what college admissions officers are looking for when they review high school grades.
Understanding Your Child’s PSAT Score
Here is a breakdown of how to read the PSAT score report, why your sophomore/junior should take the PSAT, and who doesn’t need to take it.
Are a Student’s Chances for Admission Affected if a Number of Students from their High School Apply to the Same College?
I get asked this question a lot. Certain colleges tend to be popular at different high schools. The answer is generally no (with a little bit of context).
Tips for College Admissions Interviews and Videos
Here are tips for a successful college admissions interview.
Fall To-Do Lists for High School Students
Here is My Fall To-Do Lists for High School Students.
How to Build a Successful College List
Here are tips to help your child create a college list that will maximize their chances for a successful admissions process.
Changes to ACT Test
Changes to the ACT test were announced earlier this week. Here is what the changes include.
Parent Checklist for the Summer Before Your Child Leaves for College
Here is a parent checklist for the Summer before your child leaves for college.
How to Complete the Activities Section of the Common App
Here is a guide for how to complete the activities section of the Common App.
Colleges Offering Fly-In and Diversity Programs
Do you want to learn more about different colleges? Many universities offer fly-in and diversity programs to support students with a fully-funded college visit!