Things to Consider When Choosing High School Courses

It is the time of year when high schoolers choose their courses for the upcoming academic year. Here are some tips to consider.

  • Have a tentative plan for courses to take in all four years of high school. Most selective colleges want to see four years of English, history, foreign language, and math, and at least three years of lab science (including biology, chemistry, and physics). Be sure that your child will fulfill those requirements (unless there is a specific reason not to).

  • Pick rigorous courses that your child can succeed in. Colleges consider honors and AP courses when evaluating an applicant’s transcript. High school students should aim to take advanced courses in which they can achieve strong grades.

  • Ensure that your child is fulfilling any high school art, physical education, or other requirements.

  • Pick electives wisely. These courses will allow students to pursue additional academic interests that may be of interest to them in college. They also give students a chance to try a new subject area.

  • Be sure to balance academics and extracurricular activities. Students should avoid taking an academic course load that prevents them from pursuing other interests.

  • Be open to adjusting the plan if something is not working. Throughout high school, continue to evaluate whether the course subjects and levels are working for your child and speak with their advisor if something needs to be changed.

If you would like help in your college admissions process, please visit Excelsior Admissions Consulting Excelsior Admissions Consulting to find out more information, or click here to schedule a free 30-minute consultation.


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