Last Minute Tips to Finish Your College Application Supplements
It is almost the end of the year, and many high school seniors are spending their breaks trying to finish their college applications. Deadlines vary based on the specific school, but many selective colleges have deadlines in the first ten days of January. Here are some tips to get those supplemental essays finished and submitted on time.
What to Do When Early Action/Early Decision Doesn’t Work Out
It is that time of year again. In December many colleges release their early application (EA) and early decision (ED) notifications. Many students take advantage of the EA and ED process to apply to their first choice school. Often, these are “reach” schools for the student and, as a result, while some students will receive good news at this time of year, many others will receive disappointing news with some getting deferred and others getting rejected. Here are 5 tips for students and parents on what to do with early college decisions that don’t go as planned.