Class of 2027 Regular Decision Notification Dates
Most colleges are releasing their regular decision announcements in late March or early April. Here is a list of when colleges are releasing their decisions.
First Year Application Trends 2022-23
Last month, Common App published its report on trends in applications for this year.
Early Applications are Submitted. What Should be Done Now?
What to do once you submit your early applications.
Mistakes to Avoid When Completing the Common Application
Here are some mistakes to avoid when completing the common application.
Things for Parents to Consider When Sending a Student to College
Some things to talk to your child about before they go away to college.
2022 - 2023 Common App Essay Prompts
Summer is a great time to write the Common App essay! Here are the prompts for the coming year.
Class of 2026 Admission Rates
Here is a sample of the overall admissions rates for the Class of 2026.
High School Juniors Should Consider the ACT and SAT Even if Colleges are “Test-Optional”
There are many questions surrounding standardized testing, specifically whether current juniors should prepare for and take the ACT and SAT tests.
Update on Early Admissions for Ivy League Colleges for the Class of 2026
Here are the early admission statistics for the Ivy League colleges for the Class of 2026.
How Changes in Standardized Testing Will Affect the College Admissions Process for the High School Class of 2022
Find out how the recent changes in standardized tests will affect current high school juniors.